The question is often asked about the meaning of our logo and how it connects to our name.

As our spiritual journey unfolds, we begin to see beyond limitations and see our life and its purpose with clarity.

This sight is the mind’s eye of pure awareness.

This sight is the eternal, imaginal space within that provides intimate access to the Infinite.

This sight enables us to see through the fogginess, difficulty, and disorientation of life.

This sight represents each of our ability to see our authentic self, the true you, underneath all programming and conditioning.

This sight invites us to transcend the plague of anxiety, worry, and stress.

This sight helps us see the unity and integration of all things.

This sight, through the primary practice of meditation,

opens us to the fullness of life’s beauty,

inspires realms of possibility,

awakens new paradigms and perspectives,

and activates our purpose as we become a beneficial presence in the world.

This is the life that is available to all of us when we enter the eternal space within.